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What happens to .eu domain after Brexit

We are not into politics at all. We serve our hosting with no boundaries. However, few of our customers asked us recently what will happen to their websites after Brexit. Simple answer: nothing. We will continue our hosting services. There is one exception. UK citizens won’t be able to use .eu domains. Yes, we know, that’s silly, but that’s the part of Brexit. So what’s the story?

The latest stats show 345,339 active .eu domains owned by UK citizens. To be eligible to hold a .eu domain name you must be:

  • an EU citizen, independently of where you live
  • resident in the EU or EEA
  • an organisation, business or undertaking that is established in the EU or EEA

That brings a serious question…

Will UK companies have to give up .eu domain names after Brexit?

eu domains for uk

The short answer is yes. According to EURid’s dedicated Brexit webpage:

When the United Kingdom leaves the European Union, after full ratification of the Withdrawal Agreement, the UK and the EU will enter into the so-called “transition period”. This time-limited period was agreed as part of the Withdrawal Agreement and will last until 31 December 2020 at least. During the transition period, UK residents and citizens will continue to be able to hold and register a .eu domain name.

That means you need to secure your business now. Go ahead and find a new domain that you will be eligible to register (.com, .co, .co.uk, .uk etc). Don’t wait until the last minute, because the migration of your website domain will do some damage on SEO and it will take some time to settle down.

leave.eu – like all other UK companies using the .eu TLD – will need to have a legal entity for their organisation registered in one of the remaining 27 states, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein according to a post on the EURid website

How to keep .eu domain after Brexit?

Well, it’s possible! You will need a valid address in a European Union country (excluding UK). You can keep valid your .eu domain name(s) by updating your contact information (EU).


We hope that answer your questions about the .eu domain after Brexit. Share your thoughts in a comment below, are you affected? Of course, if you need any help and tips for the migration from the .eu domain to your new one, let us know!

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We create hosting for WordPress websites. We use state-of-the-art technologies to ensure your website has the best load times, security and less worry.

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